
Monday 9 June 2014

Updates (Dog Walking Photostory + Super Photo - Series , and new doll house )

Hey hope those of you who enjoy doll blogging notice my blog ,and when you do. SPREAD THE WORD! 
Then come back and tell via the comments (That's the only way you can message me, sorry.)


So I took tons of pictures and I ended up with more than 300 pictures. These pictures include camp themed outdoor adventures, one super series called Camp Super Girl (CSGA),one crazy dog walking photo-story and other randomness.

So on to the new room, soon I plan on posting a doll house tour (Our house is in my mom's closet)
Plus I want to show you a car I made. Yes, compared to the other things it does seem boring and I may not get to it because it is low on my priority list.
Soon my mom will be out of school so I may have more time,but until then she's got exams : P  = ( 
Typing is so hard but I just can't stop so I might as well create a long run on sentence , but now I should just stop typing : ) 

Silly Sarah = )
P.S My emotocons are highlighted in yellow.

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